
Support for Uterine Fibroids

For me, taking a holistic approach to benign tumors of the uterus includes co-developing a wellness plan rich in Reflexology, herbal medicine, Aromatherapy, and lifestyle health. Fibroids occur in about 30% of women aged 35, and that number grows to nearly 80% by age 50. Known also as leiomyomas and [...]

Risky Essential Oil Uses in Pregnancy

"Just because essential oils are natural does not mean they do not have potential risks, or hazards if used inappropriately." - Jane Buckle, Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare 3rd Edition Once every couple of months or so I get a message from one of my midwife or OB/GYN colleagues asking [...]

Can Reflexology Induce Labor?

Reflexology has been shown to reduce both the duration and pain of labor, eases many of the discomforts of pregnancy - headaches, back pain, heartburn, blood pressure, edema - and is well received as a deeply relaxing and comforting modality. In the age of "internet experts" in every search engine [...]

October 21st, 2019|Tags: , , , , |4 Comments

Should I Study Reflexology Online?

My Reflexology studies started in the 1990s with Eunice Ingham's book Stories the Feet Can Tell Thru Reflexology/Stories the Feet Have Told Thru Reflexology. I was sitting for one of my herbal exams when I inadvertently checked out Ingham's book at the library - someone had returned it to the counter [...]

July 26th, 2019|Tags: , , , |2 Comments
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