Can Reflexology and Aromatherapy help your insomnia?
Most of us can list a dozen amazing things about living in Austin without skipping a beat. But living, and sleeping, in any large city can chip away at our ability to [...]
Most of us can list a dozen amazing things about living in Austin without skipping a beat. But living, and sleeping, in any large city can chip away at our ability to [...]
This is my second spring in Austin and I'm in love! Here's my top ten list of activities to enjoy this season: 1.) Get on Lady Bird Lake - there are several [...]
My frequent flyer and road warrior clients tell me they benefit from a Reflexology appointment before or after a trip that they just build it into their travel plans: make an appointment [...]
Athlete's Foot, Toenail Fungus, Plantar Warts, oh my! Fungal and viral conditions of the feet can be unsightly and painful. Plantar Warts These uncomfortable warts are caused by the human papilloma virus [...]