Study Reflexology
in Austin, Texas

Welcome to our 300 Hour Reflexology Certificate Program offered
twice-annually to aspiring reflexologists in the heart of Central Texas!

Join us for an educational journey through the wonders of the human body
and the health-promoting benefits of foot, hand, and ear reflexology.

Our program is aligned with the industry’s best education standards, you will graduate as a Certified Reflexologist, recognized by Texas and national organizations. This program is taught over three levels and is offered twice a year to a new cohort of 8-10 students.

Amy Kreydin, is a National Board Certified Reflexologist, National Certified Reflexology Educator, serves on the board of the Texas Reflexology Association, and is a professional member with the RAA. Amy has been in private practice since 2004.

What To Expect

Hybrid Reflexology Program

Foundations in Reflexology – 48 hours

In this introductory level you will join classmates for six weekly presentations held live via Zoom. Topics covered includes reflexology’s origins and theories, reflex maps and forms, indications and contraindications, the structure and function of the foot and lower leg, how reflexologists perform an assessment, sanitation and hygiene practices, and documenting client sessions.

In the three day practicum, participants will gather in the studio to put the Zoom lessons to good use! We’ll practice assessing the feet and gait, reflexology-specific techniques, body mechanics for both the reflexology recliner and the bodywork table, and practice a 30 minute foot reflexology routine.

Intermediate Reflexology – 96 hours

Intermediate Reflexology attendees will meet for twelve weekly presentations held live via Zoom. Each week we’ll explore the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the twelve body systems through a whole-person lens. You’ll be invited to use kinesthetic tools such as a coloring workbook, modeling clay, or washable markers during the lessons.

There are two sets of three-day practicums for this level, each following a set of six Zoom lessons. Building on the foundations practicum, we’ll use our time in person to map out the reflexes for each body system, practice techniques and routines for the systems, and finish the final practicum with a full 60 minute foot reflexology routine.

Advanced Reflexology – 96 hours

Our Advanced Reflexology level will meet for twelve weekly presentations held live via Zoom. Topics covered include business planning, honing session documentation skills, injury prevention and practitioner self-care, structure and function of the hand and lower arm, anatomy of the ear, supporting special populations, and Eastern medicine approaches to holistic care.

There are two sets of three-day practicums for this level, each following a set of six Zoom lessons. In the first set of practicum days we’ll adapt our existing knowledge of reflexology techniques to the reflex maps of the hands and ears. In the second set of practicum days we’ll incorporate hot stones, moxa, ear seeds, and Eastern reflexology techniques. At the end of this level you’ll have a 60 minute foot routine, a 30 minute hand routine, a 15 minute ear routine, and the ability to give a 90 minute foot-hand-ear treatment.

Course Offerings

Advanced Reflexology – Level Three

March 11 @ 8:00 am - June 14 @ 5:00 pm

Program Costs

Tuition – $3,000

Covers documentation review, handouts, in-classroom supplies, access to extensive school library of 250+ volumes during practicum.

Tuition due for each of the three levels:

  1. Foundations in Reflexology, 48 hours, $600
  2. Intermediate Reflexology, 96 hours, $1,200
  3. Advanced Reflexology, 96 hours, $1,200

Textbooks – approximately $60

We’re using Ruth Hull’s Complete Guide to Reflexology, Margaret Matt’s Human Anatomy Coloring Book, and the Original Works of Eunice D. Ingham.

You may wish to budget an additional $100 for other books that catch your interest in the school library.

Equipment – approximately $80-300

You’ll want a zero gravity recliner or bodywork table and a rolling pneumatic stool to work on your case studies.

Linens – approximately $50

Linens are provided in the classroom, for your case studies you’ll want fitted twin sheets and hand towels to wrap the feet in.

Student Insurance – varies

See ABMP for an example of free student membership

Total Estimated Cost – $3,190-3,510

Financial Aid is not offered by The Barefoot Dragonfly LLC, monthly installment payments are offered interest-free.